Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Animal rights

The shrill shriek of pigs facing deaths tears my eardrums and then the heart. There are several pork meat shops nearby my house. These are famous for ‘Dharane Kalo Sungur’(Dharan’s Black Pigs). I can hear the poor animals shrieking for help when the sharp steel blades pierce into their hearts. At times when there are people dying without mercy; who cares of these animals. But after all how long will all these things keep going? How long should we allow them to continue? Should not be there be mankind to stop them? Should not there be a law to stop these types of cruelty and end these everlasting pain before deaths? Le us arise and stop them from today onwards, right from today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But the Dharan sungur with rayo ko saag is so tasty, how could we get rid of this? Dharan is so famous for this kaalo sungur. So, sad man, what exactly are you trying to say here? I guess you must be a a chhokho bahun eating only tons of gooliyo mithai inviting diabetes. Come on Bhaun baje join the Dharan bandwagon and start eating the chhochen bhutun.
From a Big Chhochen, oink onk

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